Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Under the Weather Happiness

Being happy is our default mood attached to all occasions. We say, happy birthday, happy anniversary, happy easter, happy new year, happy father’s day, happy mother’s day and so on. We are supposed to be happy and being happy is not meant to be occasional.

It’s easier to be happy when you are caught in the moment of a celebration, success, cheerfulness, wealth, surrounded with high-spirited friends,
in love, and most especially when you’re living what you wish for...those are your sunny days.

What will happen when you lose it all? Where will you find happiness when you're not in those moments anymore?
Here comes your under-the-weather happiness breakdown. You're on your rainy day.
Part of it could be failed plans, depression, loneliness, unanswered prayers, brokenness, losing someone, crushed expectations, or rejection.

Happiness is a choice right? So you’ll try anything just to get back on your track. You get along with friends, travel, drink, waste your money and do things that will make yourself busy with stuff you think would cheer you up. After all the efforts to keep you sane, there's a part of you that’s always been missing. 

"The happiness that won't only last during your sunny days or rainy days
is the eternal joy that comes from one source,
and that is Christ."

"You have made known to me the path of life: you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."
-Psalm 16:11


Now you know where to find it.

Photo from Artpixie.

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